Lil' Farmstand gratuito
Únase a una lista cada vez mayor de habitantes de Nashua que comparten la abundancia de jardines de verano entre sí. ¡Comunidad creciendo para comunidad!
¡Tan fácil que incluso recogeremos sus frutas y verduras extra donadas en la puerta de su casa!
What families are saying...
"I love seeing my children pick veggies they love or have never tried and then preparing/eating them with our family."
"I grew up on a farm, yet as an adult I am living in the middle of a city where I can barely afford my rent, let alone fresh produce. The farmstand reminds me of the happier days growing up."
Tengo una niña diabética y estamos tratando de comer más saludables todos para que no se sienta sola en esto.
"I have a diabetic girl and we are trying to all eat healthier, so that she does not feel alone in this.".
Incrementar nuestra resiliencia alimentaria local
Si cultiva alimentos, cultivar un poco más puede aumentar nuestro suministro de alimentos locales de alimentos frescos y nutritivos, así como trasladar parte de la carga del sistema alimentario a nuestras propias manos.
Si no cultiva alimentos, lo invitamos a donar y compraremos a los agricultores locales, lo que a su vez fortalecerá nuestra resiliencia alimentaria local.
Desierto de comida s
Tenemos áreas en Nashua donde es difícil llegar fácilmente a las tiendas que venden alimentos asequibles y saludables, también conocidos como desiertos alimentarios. Así que ubicamos aquí nuestros quioscos gratuitos.
"It makes a big difference because we are on fixed income and can supplement our groceries which we have to put on a credit card. Since visiting the stand I have learned to prepare meals that I never imagined making. I Google recipe ideas , add protein & I'm all set. Since visiting the farm stand I have been inspired to educate myself on seasonal produce, how it is grown & ways to incorporate different kinds of produce into our meals . We are truly grateful. TY!"
"Vida mais saudável"
"It is good knowing I can get fresh veggies when I don't always have the money to buy them."
¿Cómo funciona?
Si tienes un jardín, cultiva un poco más
Si necesita productos frescos, conéctese con nosotros
Las familias disfrutan de productos gratuitos de la granja
Socios comprometidos a llevar esto a nuestros vecindarios
We are grateful for our Presenting Sponsor, Service Credit Union, for their support and dedication in helping this program thrive in our community, as well as to all our growers/shoppers that give making this possible!
We couldn't do it without everyone working together and for Dartmouth Hitchcock and the UU Church of Nashua in believing in this program back in 2020 when they helped us launch a pilot version during the pandemic in 2020 that has now become a community staple!
Neighborhood Participating Partners
Dartmouth Hitchcock
Unitarian Universalist Church
NH Gleaners
United Way of Greater Nashua
Presbytarian Church Nashua
Hundreds of individual givers!
Crossway Christian Church
Lavoie's Farm
Lull Farm
Arlington Street Community Center
The First Church Nashua
Hillsborough County Conservation Immaculate Conception
Fresh Start Farms
ORIS: Organization for Refugee and Immigrant Success
Greater Nashua Food Council
Nashua Garden Club
Congregational Church of Amherst
Kimball Fruit Farm